A country-wise platform for sports facility catalogization and reporting

About project

The integrated sports facilities accounting, reporting, and presentation platform, including a whole Russia collaboration platform, a facility catalogue, and an interactive presentation software for touch panels


National sports facility accounting and reporting platform: 75 of 85 Russian regions are working with the system.
The catalogue contains 834 sports facilities.
All the information is published in two languages: English and Russian.
The software has been used in 10 events: 4 international and 6 local.


Russian Department of Sports

The department is responsible for the development of Sports in Russia.


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Our goal is to create a comprehensive database of sports facilities, accessible to both internal and external agents, containing current information on construction and development progress, technical specifications, budget status, the variety of sports offered, staff management, location, and contact details.


Spellsystems implemented a three-tiered software solution. The first tier is an intranet portal as a collaboration platform. The second tier is a public internet portal and its mobile version. The third tier is interactive presentation software with touch, gesture and voice control. The system has become the main federal database of sports facilities.

The data portal and collaboration platform provides a centralized location for users from federal, regional, and municipal levels to access, publish, and update information about sports facilities. Features include the ability to publish facility information and maps, manage multimedia content such as images, videos, and interactive tours, and add complementary materials like news, class descriptions, and schedules. The portal also has control functions and gathers information on user actions for statistical reports.

The internet portal contains public information about all sports facilities built or reconstructed with federal money, provides full-text and parametric search functionality and offers feedback capabilities.

The interactive presentation software for touch panels provides an impressive demonstration of sports facilities stored in the collaboration portal. It provides several attractive features including interactive virtual tours of the greatest Russian sports facilities and gesture control of the presentation.

The solution is built consists of three separate parts:



Government authorities in all 85 Russian Federation subjects are involved in collecting information for the system.


The software was used during at least 10 industry events including 4 international exhibitions.


The catalogue accounts for almost 300 video clips and 12 000 photos since its launch.


There are 834 sports objects from 75 Russian regions placed in the system.


Basic technologies
C#, Microsoft Kinect SDK
Microsoft.NET, PHP, WPF
Storing and working with data
Web Interface
Adobe Flash, Google.Maps.API
JavaScript (jQuery), OpenStreetMaps.API

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