About project
Seed round on valuation of $25M.

A resourceful information and networking hub for sharing agricultural knowledge and expertise
A marketplace for farming products and services
Innovative Fintech services aimed at farmers, input distributors, vendors, grain traders, and producers
Advanced farm resource planning and production management software
Employee search capabilities
A transparent rating agency utilizing blockchain technology for agricultural market participants
Professional financial advice from banking experts
To design a mobile application for Android and iOS platforms where industry professionals exchange expertise and support each other.
To create a farm management platform for growers, including the HQ software, mobile applications for agronomists, and software for third-party contractors, consultants and input suppliers support staff.
Idea (Q4 2017)
Our project managers met with the customer to gain a clear understanding of their goals and objectives.
Proof of Concept (Q4 2017 – Q2 2018)
- Identified the optimal technology stack and determined the project timeframe.
- Provided appropriate recommendations and calculated project costs.
- Developed brand identity with the help of our designers.
- Registered Direct.Farm as the official legal trade name.
- Assembled a team of 15 developers.
- Developed and released the first working prototypes of the Direct.Farm web and mobile applications for Android and iOS with basic functionality.
- Released the first fully functional web version of Direct.Farm, including a social blog and a marketplace for goods and services.
- Integrated a blockchain-based rating agency into the platform.
- Developed and launched the fully functional Direct.Farm mobile application.
- Implemented synchronization across all platforms and conducted final testing.
- Developed, tested, and released the Vmeste.Direct.Farm mobile application.
- Prepared project documentation, including technical specifications, as per the client's request for the investment round.
- Finalized the legal aspects of the project.
- Conducted an investment round with our participation, successfully selling 30% of the company shares to a new investor.
- Project valuation reached $3 million.
- The project continues as the client requested the development of an additional platform.
- Initiated development of Audit.Direct.Farm.
Direct.Farm is the number 1 online business platform for farmers in Russia, Belarus, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, and Ukraine. Currently, it is the largest network of agricultural technology in Russia. The number of participants (agronomists, livestock breeders, heads of agricultural enterprises) ~10 000 people (including 4 000 + agronomists, 2 000+ livestock breeders) from 74 subjects of the Russian Federation and 17 subjects of the CIS countries and Ukraine.
Vmeste.Direct.Farm – a mobile application available for download on Google Play and App Stores. Already used by more than 15 000 industry professionals.
- Java
- Java (Android)
- Nginx
- ClickHouse
- PostgreSQL
- React.js
- Yandex.Maps.API
- Stellar fork
- RabbitMQ
- Git